Lux Futurum
Lux Futurum, final promo event in Beijing
You have to give it to the Chinese, they do like to go in big. As I shared in my previous blog, their drive to become a leading country shows of in many ways. The Lux Futurum promotional events that were staged in Xian, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing respectively was another show of force. Each of the events was attended by a large audience of a few hundred participants. The venues professionally decked out including banners, video screens, signage and other goodies. Professional MCs expertly guided the audience through the program while presentations were professionally translated simultaneously from English to Chinese and vice versa.
All along the event was video recorded and professional photographers reported the event by uploading photos and creating stories in real time on (We Chat) social media as the program unfolded. Impressive with a great level of professionalism.
Key for such events are the sponsors that make it possible of course and they were given their due moment in the spotlight. All sponsors had a little demo booth to connect with the participants and key sponsors were given a small speaker slot to highlight their expertise and/or innovations.
This bodes really well for the main event that we have programmed for November 28th later this year where the winners of this inaugural recognition program will be invited on stage to give further insight in their winning entries. The response has been very encouraging so far and we hope to see many more trend setting lighting concepts, innovations and trail blazing projects submitted before the deadline end of September!
We appreciate that “China” invokes a sense of caution and scepticism, driven by the labelling of being cheap copiers of other peoples’ inventions over the years. However, as I have shared in previous blogs, China has massively evolved and has moved on from being a nation of copiers to being a country of leading-edge technologies and innovators. It is not by accident that 80-90% of lighting manufacturing happens in China and many technologies used in our day-to-day products and services are also developed in China. Lux Futurum aims to bridge that divide and lingering reluctance by creating a platform where East meets West, and exchanges take place with the future of a true global community in mind.
We chose for the submissions to be free to provide an open and equal platform to everyone. We are keen to see what is cooking in the kitchen, even if these are just ideas, concept sketches or prototype developments. We appreciate that ideas or concepts might not necessarily be realisable at this point in time but the creative thoughts and visions of how the future of lighting could look like will be motivating and inspirational in shaping our future. Not to forget that we are also looking at persons and organisations that have shown their commitment to further the future of lighting!
So don’t be shy and submit! There is no such thing as a losing idea, concept or project. You will never win if you don’t try. The submissions will be assessed on merit by a diverse panel of professional judges, and winning entries of Lux Futurum might find the industry embracing it and potentially supporting it further into commercial use and application.
As the saying goes it is it better to have tried and failed then to have never tried at all! We encourage the global lighting community to submit your vision for the future and if you don’t have anything to submit you may know some one else with visionary ideas and encourage them to submit or alternatively let us know so we can follow up. We hope that our great global lighting community will embrace this initiative and help make Lux Futurum an exciting recurring platform showcasing the latest in lighting innovations, concepts and visions!